Singing Guide: Tubbo feat. CG5

Singing Guide: Tubbo feat. CG5

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Unique Vocal Technique

Tubbo's voice is characterized by his pure, deep resonance and bold vibrato. He often sings in his chest voice, delivering technical accuracy and emotional conviction in every performance. Tubbo's use of breath support and active breathing are also impressive, allowing him to sustain notes with ease and power.

Songs showcasing Tubbo's vocal technique

One of Tubbo's most popular songs is "Not All Heroes Wear Capes" featuring CG5. This song highlights Tubbo's deep and emotional delivery, with his resonant voice creating a sense of strength and conviction. Another great Tubbo song is "Dreaming of You Again," where Tubbo's vibrato and emotional singing create a powerful sense of longing and melancholy.

Practical advice

  • First, practice active breathing and breath support to develop your singing stamina
  • Work on singing in your chest voice, focusing on maintaining your deep resonance
  • Use vibrato to add emotional depth to your singing
  • Practice songs that showcase your unique vocal style and that are within your range
  • Utilize Singing Carrots' range test, pitch accuracy test, pitch training, and song search to hone your skills

Relevant Singing Carrots resources


Learning to sing like Tubbo takes practice, but with the right approach and guidance, you can improve your singing skills. Utilize Singing Carrots' unique resources and focus on developing your breathing, vocal resonance, and emotional style. With dedication and effort, you can master Tubbo's unique vocal technique and create your own distinct sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.